The Robin Redbreast's Treasure Hunt by IJD
A robin redbreast, in the snow so white,
Led me on a journey, to find what was right.
A lost Claddagh ring, with love and loyalty,
Was the treasure I sought, with utmost humility.
The robin sang a song, and I followed its tune,
Through the cold and the wind, under the light of the moon.
It flew ahead of me, and I followed its lead,
Until it came to rest, on a branch bare and bareed.
I searched in the snow, and there it was found,
The Claddagh ring, with its heart and its crown.
I held it close to me, with gratitude and glee,
For the robin redbreast, my guide and my key.
With love in my heart, and the ring on my hand,
I knew my journey, had finally come to an end.
I looked up to the sky, and thanked the robin redbreast,
For leading me home, to my treasure and rest.